Zumasys is proud to announce the following updates to our Desktop as a Service (DaaS) Platform! These changes will continue to deliver value for our customers by enhancing security, performance and user experience. Roll-out will begin on a per-customer basis and customers will be notified prior to the upgrade.
Check out these three updates to Zumasys DaaS powered by Citrix below!
XenDesktop 7.13
This latest version of XenDesktop extends the capabilities of Citrix’s industry-leading HDX technology by introducing new Adaptive Transport Technology that brings faster, more responsive sessions across all functions by up to 10x — even over challenging network conditions. Furthermore, overall bandwidth consumption is reduced by up to 60 percent using the default graphics settings.
Norskale Workspace Environment Management
Acquired by Citrix in 2016, Norskale has an industry-proven record of optimizing workspace performance, accelerating application delivery and enhancing environment scalability. The Norskale workspace environment management solution complements our existing profile management technology to deliver the best possible workspace performance, desktop logon and application response times for a truly dynamic virtual workspace for every user. Norskale leverages patent-pending machine-learning technology to monitor and analyze user and application behavior in real-time. Only Norskale can intelligently adjust the way applications utilize systems resources such as RAM, CPU and Input/Output (I/O) to optimize resource allocation across all users. This algorithm intelligence, now unique to Citrix, ensures that each user has the necessary resources to be productive while conserving overall resource allocation in a way that instantly increases user logon times by up to 80 percent.
Citrix App Layering – Formerly known as Unidesk
Unidesk was acquired by Citrix early this year. This merger brings user and app layering by combining windows application deployment with user personalization. With the addition of Unidesk technologies to our Citrix portfolio, we are now making it extremely easy to manage Windows and all of your applications, in both the XenApp and VDI environments. Unlike its competitors, this technology allows IT staff to manage applications assigned to users at login, as well as the various Windows images in your environment and those applications that are hard to virtualize.
It is the only layering solution that:
- Layers all of Windows
- Achieves app compatibility greater than 99.5%
- Enables packaging apps once for elastic or base image delivery
- Offers app and OS sharing across on-premises and hybrid cloud
- Eliminates golden images and ‘image sprawl’
- Supports on-demand app delivery for both VDI and XenApp
- Supports Azure