jBASE is Zumasys’ single largest product line, and in the 6 years that we’ve owned the technology, we have worked diligently to revitalize the product. It was steep learning curve for us—transitioning from selling third-party cloud and IT “infrastructure” from major manufacturers like HP, NetApp and Microsoft—to becoming a software manufacturer ourselves.
Along the way, we sold the two biggest divisions of Zumasys and invested heavily in the transformation of jBASE. We brought back the co-author of jBASE, Greg Cooper; integrated MultiValue superstars like Pete Schellenbach into our product development; recruited some of the most talented folks in the MultiValue space; and, most importantly, we drew upon the incredible talent in our support, conversion and app dev teams which now totals 50+ people.
This eclectic group is from diverse backgrounds and nationalities. They are opinionated and passionate, which has led to rich debate and lively discussion about the potential functionality of jBASE.
But we are united in one common goal: To offer a better alternative to the MultiValue community. While our competitors sit still, we are pushing forward.
Today, we celebrate the team’s biggest accomplishment to date: The release of jBASE version 5.8.
To celebrate, we just published a new website at www.jbase.com, and we encourage you to visit the site to learn all about the new features in the release notes.
One of my favorite parts of the new website is the timeline below which pays homage to the vision of Clive Ketteridge, Jim Idle and Greg Cooper which started, where else, but in a British Pub. This release is not just for us but for them, the team at Temenos and the countless users and ISVs around the globe that rely on jBASE to keep their businesses running.
I am incredibly proud of our team and this release and I would like to thank our loyal customers who made this possible.