The Traveling Dad
Dad, employee, salesman, husband, friend, ministry-leader, public servant—it’s a tall order for anyone. And, if you’re anything like me, you can excel at some and suck at others (and not always the same ones).
Dad, employee, salesman, husband, friend, ministry-leader, public servant—it’s a tall order for anyone. And, if you’re anything like me, you can excel at some and suck at others (and not always the same ones).
Whether you choose to ease your way into the cloud or jump right in, you should know that—once again—you have options.
There are basically two approaches to migrating to the cloud. Think of it like jumping into a swimming pool: you can ease in slowly or cannon ball into the water.
It’s such an important lesson. Being able to delegate fully and trust your team to manage important tasks in your absence is a critical test for the health of your business.
During his keynote at Zumapalooza 2008, Mendoza urged us to create and foster innovative cultures by “catching people doing something good.”
On February 21, 29 of our team members, including several employees from our customer Ganahl Lumber, spent the day packing boxes and loading pallets at the Second Harvest Food Bank.
There has been a paradigm shift in the value of the IT professional in the last 5 to 10 years. Every major advancement that a company wants to make, whether for profit or efficiency, requires an addition of technology.
Yesterday, Zumasys employees Ray Gasser and Dave McCary participated in the NetApp sponsored St. Baldricks head-shaving event to help fight childhood cancer.
The iOS 6.1 bug generates an abnormally high amount of transaction logs when an iPhone or iPad user syncs a mailbox using Exchange ActiveSync.
In order of tenure, give one employee per quarter $3,000 and five days of additional paid time off to travel somewhere outside of North America. No strings attached.