What’s on the Horizon for Citrix
The two top players in VDI are each trying to outdo the other with their own workspace virtualization solutions: VMware Horizon View 6 and Citrix XenDesktop 7.
The two top players in VDI are each trying to outdo the other with their own workspace virtualization solutions: VMware Horizon View 6 and Citrix XenDesktop 7.
This online tutorial shows you how to download, install, and use Citrix Receiver to access your data, applications, and desktops in the cloud.
Although past years have been dubbed the year of VDI, Sr. Systems Engineer Leon Ngo explains why NVIDIA GRID solidifies 2014 as the official “The Year of VDI”
With the release of XenDesktop 7, Citrix introduced huge improvements in the day-to-day management of virtual desktops and applications. Simplicity is key.
Zumasys Systems Engineer Ryan Beaty sums up the 7 key features of vSphere 5.5 announced at VMworld 2013 that will make you grunt like Tim “The Toolman” Taylor.