Zumasys Employees Raise $10,000 to Fight Cancer
Yesterday, Zumasys employees Ray Gasser and Dave McCary participated in the NetApp sponsored St. Baldricks head-shaving event to help fight childhood cancer.
DetailsYesterday, Zumasys employees Ray Gasser and Dave McCary participated in the NetApp sponsored St. Baldricks head-shaving event to help fight childhood cancer.
DetailsAt Zumasys, Hahn is now responsible for driving consistent growth and focus for the Zumasys sales team and streamlining internal operations and communication to support the organization.
DetailsThe iOS 6.1 bug generates an abnormally high amount of transaction logs when an iPhone or iPad user syncs a mailbox using Exchange ActiveSync.
DetailsIn order of tenure, give one employee per quarter $3,000 and five days of additional paid time off to travel somewhere outside of North America. No strings attached.
DetailsOne of the most eye-popping victories in all of this year’s Annual Report Card categories is the full subcategory all-sweep win in a product category by a vendor that didn’t even play in that category as recently as three years ago.
DetailsOne day the price to move to the cloud will be eclipsed by the cost of 3-5 days of downtime. Only you will know when that day comes for your business.
DetailsAfter nearly a year in development, the first major update for AccuTerm 7 is now available for new purchases and upgrades.
DetailsThe last thing I expected to see at a business conference was a hippie throwing Frisbees into the audience. As much as I like the discus (heck, I was born in the 70s), I was skeptical.
DetailsAs a growing cloud services provider to SMBs around North America, Zumasys wanted to proactively inform onsite clients about potential datacenter and network problems, overcome any internal technology issues before they affected its cloud customers, and find a solution that could even become its own profit center.