What’s Old is New Again: Why Pete’s Really Excited About AccuTerm 8

If you’ve ever used AccuTerm, you’ve probably heard of Pete Schellenbach. Pete is our Director of Product Development and the creator of the AccuTerm product line. As one of the pioneers of terminal emulation, Pete is a thought leader in the industry and is still intimately involved in the development and evolution of AccuTerm here…


AccuTerm 8: What’s New and Tips for Deployment – Webinar

Wednesday November 13th, 10am PSTAccuTerm 8: What’s New and Tips for Deployment AccuTerm8 has come together with dozens of new features that give you access to your PICK system when and where you need it via today’s standard web browsers. Our new subscription model bundles Desktop, Web, and Mobile editions; plus, you’ll receive all future…


Zumasys Releases jBASE 5.7.4

Introducing jBASE 5.7.4. The fastest and most scalable MultiValue database, jBASE now includes Object-oriented programming (OOP) and JSON support; enhanced security; profiles; and massive, self-maintaining files. Object Oriented Programming for PICK Object & JSON Support – Parse JSON strings into a jBASE, debug applications quicker and enhance support application with Dynamic Objects. Enhanced Encryption Enhanced…


Large Educational Organization Chooses MultiValue

Dramatically Improves Teacher’s Experience with RESTful Services and NoSQL Database for MultiValue Discover why Collaborative Classroom chose MultiValue for its new web-based assessment application, which provides real-time feedback to thousands of teachers across North America. Learn how a three-dimensional MultiValue solution replaced a classic SQL database spread across 45 different tables. And find out why…


AccuTerm 8 Is Here

The wait is finally over! AccuTerm 8 is here. AccuTerm 8 brings new security, a fresh user interface, and the ability to run AccuTerm securely through your web browser. AccuTerm 8 features dozens of new features that give you access to your PICK system when and where you need it. Our new subscription model bundles…


Containers and PICK MultiValue

Increase your PICK development efficiencies with Containers and Docker What Are Containers? Similar to the server virtualization revolution (led by juggernauts like VMware), containers are transforming software development. Containers automate the deployment of code by packaging everything up — the app, the operating system and all its dependencies — so your application runs quickly and…


Get more from your PICK application

New developers coming into MultiValue are looking for modern features such as object-orientated programming, classes and exception handling. These innovations and more are built into OpenQM, the contemporary PICK database with an incredibly small footprint (less than 15MB). Originally developed by Martin Phillips in 1993, OpenQM is known for its continually evolving features, its scalability…


ONgroup & Zumasys join forces to create Visual Studio Code Extensions for MultiValue

SAN CLEMENTE, CA – June 27, 2019 – Zumasys, a leading provider of NoSQL databases for business-critical Pick applications, today announced its collaboration with ONgroup to release new Pick MultiValue developer extensions for Visual Studio Code, the free open-source editor created by Microsoft for Windows, Linux and macOS. In just three years, VS Code has grown rapidly…


Northeastern Supply Migrates 300-User SHIMS System to jBASE

Headquartered in Baltimore, Northeastern Supply is one of the largest independent wholesalers in the Mid-Atlantic region specializing in plumbing, HVAC, hardware, and water systems. With more than 30 branches relying on its Pick MultiValue application, the company was ready to modernize and ensure that its application could keep up with the organization’s continued growth. Northeastern’s…
